Arsenic is another dangerous element of nature, which has been classified as dangerously poisonous and has threatened public health through water in many countries including Greece.

Arsenic is a metallurgical element found in many rocks, usually in combination with sulfur and metals, and through its erosion passes into soil and water and further into the food. In addition to the natural origin of water and food contamination, industry is the most serious source of contamination, as it is used to strengthen copper alloys such as lead batteries, as well as the use of compounds in the production of pesticides , Wood preservatives, herbicides and insecticides.

The high concentration of arsenic in the human body can cause immediate death, so it has been used for years as a poison. Studies that have taken place in areas around the world that were experiencing high arsenic concentrations, such as Bangladesh, have shown that chronic consumption of water and food with arsenic can cause significant health problems. Problems in the kidney, liver, gastrointestinal tract, immune deficiency, diabetes, heart problems, anemia, lung diseases and various types of cancer are the effects that high concentrations of arsenic can bring to the human body.

The solution to removing arsenic from drinking water is given by the Veluda Reverse Osmosis water filters, which by filtering the various stages they provide remove all the harmful substances found in the water.