As the globe’s temperature rises and the earth’s weather patterns go haywire, water is quickly becoming a hot topic. Floods are sweeping through new areas, while others are drying out faster than ever. See some facts about our water use that may surprise you.
- About 95 percent of the water entering our homes goes down the drain.
- Running the tap while brushing your teeth can waste 4 gallons of water.
- Older toilets can use 3 gallons of clean water with every flush, while new toilets use as little as 1 gallon.
- Leaky faucets that drip at the rate of one drop per second can waste up to 2,700 gallons of water each year.
- A garden hose or sprinkler can use almost as much water in an hour as an average family of four uses in one day.
- A water-efficient dishwasher will use as little a 4 gallons per wash cycle, whereas some older models use up to 13 gallons per cycle.
- Many people in the world exist on 3 gallons of water per day or less. We can use that amount in one flush of the toilet.
- Over a quarter of all the clean, drinkable water you use in your home is used to flush the toilets.