In recent years, the use of water softeners has increased exponentially, leaving many in a dilemma as to whether and to what extent they are necessary or simply a "kind of luxury".

But in the end, are they really a "luxury" or not?

Initially, the term "softener" means the process of removing calcium (Ca ++) and magnesium (Mg ++) ions from water, which are responsible for creating spots on the surfaces and the deposition of salts in pipes and resistors of devices. The water of the Municipality is widely known to contain a variety of salts and is extremely "hard". The need for a softener, however, is not only recommended in this case, but even if the water is pumped from a private well or well.

The question that arises from the above is how 'innocent' are the consequences of the salts and the spots, both in the short and long term, both for our home and for ourselves.

'Hard water' can cause long-term complete destruction of plumbing (clogged or corroded plumbing) or plumbing fixtures (pipes, heating appliances, etc.) and greatly reduce the service life of water-using appliances (e.g. eg dishwashers, washing machines, etc.) In fact, "hard" water makes it difficult even for high-performance appliances to operate, as they are designed to operate in a specific way. In practice, this means that in time they will become useless, due to the damage they will have suffered. All of the above leads to an ongoing process of purchasing new devices or accessories, which, of course, cost.

Most important of all, however, is clearly the effects of 'hard water' on our own skin, hair and overall health. You may have noticed that after your shower, you do not feel the expected rejuvenation you would expect, but instead dryness and possibly itching. The ‘hard water’ components can accumulate over time on the skin, making it vulnerable to various skin conditions. In fact, in cases where the person is predisposed to skin diseases, the "hard" water may lead to their appearance more quickly. In cases where the person already suffers from a skin disease, then the "hard" water may worsen it.

From all the above it becomes clear that a softener is not only a very good way to save a lot of money per year for a household or a business, but ultimately, an "investment" in improving the quality of life and maintaining our good health and wellness, which is very important if we consider the accumulated harmful factors to which we are exposed daily.

See here the category of the water softeners.