Water is known to be a necessary commodity for all living organisms of the earth, with some constituting up to 90% of it. In the human body the water occupies 60%. But what are the properties of the body and where exactly is it?

According to biological chemical investigations made on the human body, water is found almost everywhere, even to the bones. The brain and the heart consist of 73% water, lungs 83%, skin 64%, muscles and kidneys 79% and bones 31% water.

The water also serves some vital functions of the body.

  • It is an important food for every cell and is an essential component of it.
  • It regulates body temperature through sweat and breathing.
  • It metabolizes the carbohydrates and proteins that our body needs and takes them into the bloodstream.
  • It helps eliminate toxins mainly through urination.
  • It acts as a protector for the brain, spinal cord and fetus during pregnancy.
  • Forms saliva.
  • It lubricates the joints.

For these basic reasons the human body has to receive a certain amount of water daily for its survival and healthy functioning. But as much as the amount of water we give to our body, the quality of the water is just as important. By using a Veluda water filter you can feel confident about the safety of the water you consume.