One of the most important elements for plant life and health is water. In addition to the soil with the necessary nutrients, plants necessarily need water to survive, as water for them is that blood for humans. So how do we help plants with watering?

Water is the transport medium of nutrients that plants absorb in order to grow and photosynthesize. During absorption, these components are broken down into the form needed by the plant to absorb them. Without the help of water, the ingredients would remain in a solid state, without being "consumed". In this process, the soil itself helps a lot, as it is a storehouse of water.

Water is also a source of coolness for plants, especially during the summer months when they are hot and sweaty, just like humans. The plants evaporate water from their leaves, so that they remain cool on hot days, as the evaporation process cools that part of the plant where the water evaporated.

Irrigation, then, is the artificial process by which we provide the right amount of water that each plant needs, in order to support the proper functioning of the plant system. Water offers life to all plant organisms, giving us colorful flowers and lush trees.