At this time the issue of quality of water in many regions of Greece is causing more and more concern consumers.
At this time the issue of quality of water in many regions of Greece is causing more and more concern consumers. The distribution water network in most areas, is old-fashioned and inappropriate. Banned worldwide to available drinking water (through a network or bottled), without prior Chlorine. Water filters, today occupy their place as an indispensable device in our kitchen, we ensure reliable water that we and our family drink from the faucet without dangerous pollutant compounds. On the contrary, with the boil can neutralize the bacteria, but not made to remove chemical or metallic impurities. Parasites of water can be removed effectively and with only microfiltered. The water that ends up in our home's tap comes from lakes or rivers and subsoil (natural springs and boreholes) with harmful ingredients, and is intended for two purposes: Firstly, for drinking, cooking, washing fruits and vegetables, coffee or tea. Second, water for general use, washing, use in bathrooms and kitchen, watering.
The harmful ingredients of water:
Chlorine (Chlorine is used to protect us from the spread of germs through the water, but it is harmful and should be removed.)
Heavy metals
Pathogens microorganisms
Therefore, clean drinking water is essential for the preservation of health. Drinking polluted water can be fatal or can be cause unpleasant effects on the human body.