Have you thought about what problems you can create a lack of water in the human body? Special scholars, our doctors-nutritionists explain what effect it can have on health inadequate hydration and why we should drink enough water in our day, especially through the Summer where that temperatures are high!

1. Causes dryness of the skin

To make the skin healthy and glowing, we need to drink enough water. In this role playing and our way of life. It may sound strange but to be the skinny, smooth, and hydrated always, you should be showering takes less than 5 minutes and avoid the tepid or warm water for a long time, as it can dehydrate the skin even more.

2. Causes tiredness

Dehydration has more to do with tiredness than you thought. Specific studies have shown that when the body is dehydrated, showing symptoms such as depression, exhaustion and weakness. Also, the lack of water in the muscles doing manual tasks seem more difficult and tedious.

3. Affects our fitness

An important role water plays in gymnastics that follow. Even if you are slightly dehydrated can affect your ability to make any effort in your training. Even 2% dehydrated is our body, it can cause a 10% reduction in athletic performance. Therefore, the more dehydrated your body is, the less durability we have.

4.Causes cravings for sugar

Dehydration can cause hunger feeling especially an irresistible desire for sugar and sweet. Especially if you do exercise and we are in a dehydrated state, use faster glycogen (i.e. stored carbohydrates), thus directly reducing storage. Why then, when we finish the exercise, we have an appetite for foods high in sugar. The main reason is because somehow, we must replace glycogen levels so you feel ready for the next workout.

Very important we do not forget, is to drink as much water as you can throughout the day!