Eight glasses of water every day? No matter how you pour them, that’s a lot of liquid. Even knowing about the many benefits of water (increased fat burning, healthier skin, more energy, better digestion) doesn't make drinking it or dealing with increased bathroom visits any less of a struggle for many of us. Some tips to drink more water:

1. Drink a glass of water as soon as you wake up in the morning.

You're groggy, your mouth is dry, you need a pick-me-up. Instead of going straight for the coffee,  drink a nice, cold, refreshing glass of water first.

2. Carry a water bottle with you at all times.

If you have a water bottle literally at your finger tips, you might find yourself unconsciously drinking more water throughout the day.

3. Drink a glass of water 30 minutes before every meal.

This is an aspirational practice to remember to do this on a regular basis. But when you do this, you will notice that you don't chow down as much when you sit down to eat your meal.

4. Lobby for a watercooler in your office.

If you have a watercooler or purified drinking system available to you and in close proximity throughout the work day, you may be more likely to grab a glass of water than to head to the kitchen to refill your coffee cup.

5. Sip up.

Gulping all that water can seem daunting. So get a package of straws to slowly sip it instead. You can even pick up a water bottle with built-in straw.

6. Order something spicy.

Adding crushed red pepper to your plate will have your reaching for the water pitcher multiple times through dinner. Plus, studies show that hot peppers give your metabolism a boost.

7. Add your own flavor.

We get it, water can be pretty boring. But instead of using the flavoring agents you see in stores, opt for something more natural—like watermelon chunks and mint or orange slices. To amp up the taste even more, let it sit for a few hours in your fridge.

8. Filter out.

Sometimes tap water just isn't very good. If your well or city water leaves a bad taste in your mouth, change it. Get a faucet or pitcher filter to keep out the bad and leave in the good.

9. Understand that sweetened beverages or alcohol cannot be substituted for water.

If you are a habitual soda or juice drinker, or if you routinely drink beer or wine with evening meals, consider swapping water for your typical drink of choice to increase your plain water intake. Although each of these beverages are very high in water content, you can increase your total water intake and remove the side effects of sweetened, caffeinated, and alcoholic beverages by drinking just water.

10. Eat water-packed foods.

While sipping from a glass or water bottle is the best way to ensure you’re tanking up, it’s not the only option. It’s possible to get some of the vital fluid from foods like tomatoes, broth, melon and cauliflower.

11. Go one-for-one at happy hour.

When you're enjoying a cocktail or two at happy hour or dinner or poolside, try to drink at least one glass of water (or, even just half a glass) for every alcoholic drink you take down. It's a great way to prevent a hangover the next day too.

12. Use your phone.

Just set a few alerts on your phone throughout the day to remind yourself to hit the water cooler.